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Đề thi giữa HK2 môn Tiếng Anh 10 năm 2021-2022 Trường THPT Lê Văn Tám

15/04/2022 - Lượt xem: 40
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Đánh giá: 5.0 - 50 Lượt
Câu hỏi (40 câu)
Câu 1
Mã câu hỏi: 84538

Read the passage and complete the sentences. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet

Once there were lots of pandas in the mountains of Western China. Today they are becoming extinct. The reason is they cannot find enough food. Pandas eat bamboo leaves. They do not like another food. The bamboo grows very slowly. It can take ten years for a bamboo to grow from a seed to a big plant. Some types of bamboo have seeds only once every 60 years. Pandas must wait many years for their food to grow. While the bamboo is growing, pandas do not have enough leaves to eat. Farmers are using more and more of the land on the mountain side to grow food for man. The farmers cut down the bamboo. Bamboo leaves become less plentiful. Pandas cannot find enough food to eat. They starve and die. China and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are trying to save the pandas. In 1979 they began to set up special parks where pandas can live. One such park is the Wolong Reserve in Sichuan. The Wolong Reserve has the highest number of pandas in the world. Scientists come here to study the pandas’ eating and mating habits. By learning more about the pandas’ habits, scientists can save them from extinction.

What is the main food of pandas?

  • A. Young bamboo trees
  • B. Bamboo roots
  • C. Bamboo trees
  • D. Bamboo leaves
Câu 2
Mã câu hỏi: 84539

How long does it take a bamboo to grow into a big plant?

  • A. 60 years
  • B. a century
  • C. a decade
  • D. 10 months
Câu 3
Mã câu hỏi: 84540

Why do farmers cut bamboo trees?

  • A. To get farmland
  • B. To make pandas starve and die
  • C. To get food for pandas
  • D. To drive pandas away
Câu 4
Mã câu hỏi: 84541

What do scientists do to save pandas from extinction?

  • A. They study about pandas’ habits.
  • B. They only set up parks for them.
  • C. They plant bamboo trees and set up parks for them.
  • D. They put them in bamboo forest.
Câu 5
Mã câu hỏi: 84542

What does the word “They” refer to?

  • A. Special parks
  • B. Pandas
  • C. Farmers
  • D. Bamboo trees
Câu 6
Mã câu hỏi: 84543

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to best completes the passage

The Meadow Park Zoo, which (6) ______ three months ago, is already attracting large numbers of visitors. The new zoo is quite small, compared with other similar (7) _____. You won’t find any large and dangerous animals such as lions or tigers in cages. Instead, there is a children’s zoo, where children can handle little animals like rabbits and (8) ______. They can also have rides on a camel or an elephant. The zoo had a working farm, too, with cows, sheep, ducks and chickens. Lots of children from cities don’t understand what happens (9) ______ a farm. It’s important (10) ______ them to see for themselves where their milk and eggs come from.

(6) _________

  • A. opened
  • B. opens
  • C. opening
  • D. open
Câu 7
Mã câu hỏi: 84544

(7) _________

  • A. attractions
  • B. parties
  • C. schools
  • D. events
Câu 8
Mã câu hỏi: 84545

(8) _________

  • A. hippos
  • B. mice
  • C. crocodiles
  • D. bears
Câu 9
Mã câu hỏi: 84546

(9) _________

  • A. across
  • B. on
  • C. up
  • D. for
Câu 10
Mã câu hỏi: 84547

(10) _________

  • A. for
  • B. at
  • C. of
  • D. up
Câu 11
Mã câu hỏi: 84548

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the sentence that has the closest meaning to the given one

It was only because his wife helped him that he was able to finish his book.

  • A. If it weren’t for his wife’s help, he couldn’t have finished his book.
  • B. But for his wife’s help, he couldn’t finish his book.
  • C. Without his wife’s help, he couldn’t have finished his book.
  • D. If only he had been able to finish his book.
Câu 12
Mã câu hỏi: 84549

I didn’t know that Lam had to get up early, so I didn’t wake him.

  • A. If I had known that Lam had to get up early, I would have woken him up.
  • B. If I know that Lam have to get up early, I will wake him up.
  • C. If I knew that Lam had to get up early, I would wake him up.
  • D. If I knew that Lam had to get up early, I would have woken him up.
Câu 13
Mã câu hỏi: 84550

Unless this biodiversity were maintained, marine life would be at stake.

  • A. If this biodiversity were maintained, marine life would be at stake.
  • B. If this biodiversity weren’t maintained, marine life would be at stake.
  • C. If this biodiversity were maintained, marine life wouldn’t be at stake.
  • D. If this biodiversity weren’t maintained, marine life wouldn’t be at stake.
Câu 14
Mã câu hỏi: 84551

They have robbed the bank near my house.

  • A. The bank near my house has been robbed.
  • B. The bank near my house have been robbed.
  • C. The bank near my house has not been robbed.
  • D. Near my house has been robbed the bank.
Câu 15
Mã câu hỏi: 84552

“Would you like to come to my birthday party, Mary?” said Mike.

  • A. Mike didn’t know that Mary had come to his birthday party.
  • B. Mike asked Mary if she didn’t like to come to his birthday party.
  • C. Mike invited Mary to come to his birthday party.
  • D. Mike was told to come to Mary’s birthday party.
Câu 16
Mã câu hỏi: 84553

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences

Choose the word or phrase OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part: The floor was covered with tiny pieces of paper.

  • A. unimportant
  • B. many
  • C. extremely small
  • D. very large
Câu 17
Mã câu hỏi: 84554

Choose the word or phrase OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part: We had an accidental meeting with an old friend at the party last night.

  • A. expected
  • B. unacceptable
  • C. unpleasant
  • D. unlucky
Câu 18
Mã câu hỏi: 84555

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences

Choose the word or phrase CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part: Contamination is threatening the park and many species of animals living in it.

  • A. distribution
  • B. pollution
  • C. elimination
  • D. population
Câu 19
Mã câu hỏi: 84556

Choose the word or phrase CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part: The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.

  • A. found
  • B. established
  • C. distinguished
  • D. prevented
Câu 20
Mã câu hỏi: 84557

Choose the word or phrase CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part: People in this region cultivate mainly rice and vegetables.

  • A. destroy
  • B. develop
  • C. grow
  • D. support
Câu 21
Mã câu hỏi: 84558

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose from the best answer to complete each sentence

_____, he kept on smoking.

  • A. In spite he has bad cough
  • B. In spite of his bad cough
  • C. As his bad cough
  • D. Because of his bad cough
Câu 22
Mã câu hỏi: 84559

These flowers are fresh. They ______ from the garden.

  • A. have been picked just
  • B. have been just picked
  • C. just have been picked
  • D. have just been picked
Câu 23
Mã câu hỏi: 84560

John: I’m really tired. ______ resting before we go out?

- Claire: That’s good idea. I’m tired too.

  • A. How about
  • B. Shall we
  • C. Why don’t we
  • D. Let’s
Câu 24
Mã câu hỏi: 84561

She sometimes does not have enough time to take care _______her old parents.

  • A. on
  • B. to
  • C. of
  • D. for
Câu 25
Mã câu hỏi: 84562

Nearly 1,000 of the world's bird species are threatened with ________.

  • A. destruction
  • B. appearance
  • C. protection
  • D. extinction
Câu 26
Mã câu hỏi: 84563

At the weekend, the beach is often crowded ______ people.

  • A. with
  • B. over
  • C. in
  • D. for
Câu 27
Mã câu hỏi: 84564

Ann: “Would you like to have lunch with us?”

- Beck: “______.”

  • A. You are welcome
  • B. Yes, I'd love to
  • C. Not at all
  • D. Thank you
Câu 28
Mã câu hỏi: 84565

I will never talk to you again ______ you apologize to me ______ your being so rude.

  • A. unless/ for
  • B. whether/ of
  • C. if/ for
  • D. or/ of
Câu 29
Mã câu hỏi: 84566

Many plants and animals can be used as medicine _____ cancer, AIDS and other sicknesses.

  • A. by
  • B. against
  • C. with
  • D. for
Câu 30
Mã câu hỏi: 84567

The teacher had divided the students ______ small groups before they did their task.

  • A. in
  • B. for
  • C. of
  • D. into
Câu 31
Mã câu hỏi: 84568

Sperm whale populations are at risk ______ hunting and their accidental entrapment in fishing nets.

  • A. because
  • B. in spite of
  • C. thanks to
  • D. due to
Câu 32
Mã câu hỏi: 84569

Some plants and animals are referred to as ______ organisms because they are extremely small.

  • A. youngest
  • B. tin
  • C. big
  • D. tiny
Câu 33
Mã câu hỏi: 84570

These plants cannot ______ in your garden. It never gets any sun.

  • A. survivor
  • B. surviving
  • C. survive
  • D. survived
Câu 34
Mã câu hỏi: 84571

Sperm whales are ______, which means they eat meat.

  • A. omnivores
  • B. herbivores
  • C. carnivores
  • D. mammals
Câu 35
Mã câu hỏi: 84572

______ air makes people unpleasant to breathe.

  • A. Pollution
  • B. Polluting
  • C. Pollute
  • D. Polluted
Câu 36
Mã câu hỏi: 84573

Lan: I'm leaving for lunch. ______?

- Mai: Thanks, but I can't right now. I'm really busy.

  • A. Do you come
  • B. Would you like to come
  • C. Could you come
  • D. Do you feel like going
Câu 37
Mã câu hỏi: 84574

Some animals are on the ______ of becoming extinct.

  • A. verge
  • B. tip
  • C. edge
  • D. side
Câu 38
Mã câu hỏi: 84575

If I had had enough money, I ______ a dictionary.

  • A. would bought
  • B. would buy
  • C. will buy
  • D. would have bought
Câu 39
Mã câu hỏi: 84576

I ______ to parties very often.

  • A. don’t invite
  • B. not invited
  • C. not invite
  • D. am not invited
Câu 40
Mã câu hỏi: 84577

I think you ______ apologize for your bad behaviour.

  • A. ought
  • B. shall
  • C. should
  • D. have

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